发布时间: 2021-11-24 浏览次数:4930次 |
[1]Huihui Zheng; Li Guo; Liangyun Zhang. Rota-Baxter paired modules and their constructions from Hopf algebras, Journal of Algebra, 2020, 559(1):601-624.(SCI) [2]Huihui Zheng; Liangyun Zhang. Hopf-Galois algebras and their Poisson structures, Communi cations in Algebra, 2022, 50(7):3046-3063.(SCI) [3]Huihui Zheng; Yuxin Zhang; Liangyun Zhang. Rota-Baxter paired comodules and Rota-Baxter paired Hopf modules, Colloquium Mathematicum, 2022, 168(1):59-83.(SCI) [4]Huihui Zheng; Tianshui Ma; Liangyun Zhang. Hopf cobrace,braid equation and bicrossed coproduct, Mathematical Reports, Accepted.(SCI) [5]YuanYuan Chen; Huihui Zheng; Liangyun Zhang. Double Hom-Associative Algebra and Double Hom-Lie Bialgebra, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 2020, 30(8):1-25.(SCI) [6]Tianshui Ma; Huihui Zheng etc. Lazy 2-cocycles and Radford (m,n)-biproduct, Journal Of Algebra And Its Applications, 2021, 20(7):2150120.(SCI) [7]Tianshui Ma; Huihui Zheng. (m,n)-Hom-Lie algebras, Publicationes Mathematicae-debrecen, 2018, 92(1-2):59-78.(SCI) [8]Tianshui Ma; Huihui Zheng. Some results on Rota-Baxter monoidal Hom-algebras, Results In Mathematics, 2017, 72:145-170.(SCI) [9]Tianshui Ma; Huihui Zheng. An extended form of Majid's double biproduct, Journal Of Algebra And Its Applications, 2017, 16(4):1750061.(SCI)