







电子邮件: chenguangzhou0808@163.com

通信地址: 数学与信息科学学院       

邮  编: 453007









2006.92008.7  安阳师范学院,获理学学士学位;

2008.92011.7  江苏师范大学,获理学硕士学位,导师:陈克军教授(二级教授)

2011.92014.6  河北师范大学,获理学博士学位,导师:雷建国教授(二级教授)



2014.62022.3,Betway官方客服数学与信息科学学院,讲师;其间,2019.92020.3 澳大利亚莫纳什大学(Monash Univesity)数学学院,访问学者,合作导师:Daniel Horsley (国际组合数学Hall奖获得者)

















1. 2013年读博期间获得国家奖学金

2.   论文The Existence of Mixed   Orthogonal Arrays with Four and Five Factors of Strength Two 获河北师范大学研究生论文一等奖

3. 2021.7 获Betway官方客服“文明教师”荣誉称号

4. 2022.9  获“河南省优秀学士学位论文指导教师”

5. 2023.5  获Betway官方客服指导研究生开展科技创新工作“优秀指导教师”

6. 2023.6  获Betway官方客服“优秀共产党员”称号






1.国家自然科学基金-天元基金(12326309)主持 2024.1-2024.12

2.国家自然科学基金-青年基金(11501181) 主持   2016-2018

3.河南省高等学校重点科研项目(15A110029) 主持 2015-2016

4.Betway官方客服-青年基金(2014QK05) 主持   2015-2017

5.Betway官方客服博士启动基金(qd14140) 主持 2014-2017

6.国家自然科学基金-天元基金(12326320)参与 2024.1-2024.12

7.国家自然科学基金-面上项目(11871417) 合作项目(第二) 2019-2022

8.国家自然科学基金-面上项目(11971104)参与(第四) 2020-2023

9.国家自然科学基金-面上项目(11571094) 参与(第四) 2016-2019

10.国家自然科学基金-青年基金(11501176) 参与(第七) 2016-2018

11.国家自然科学基金-面上项目(11371121) 参与(第四) 2014-2017

12.国家自然科学基金-天元基金(11526083) 参与(第二) 2016.1-2016.12 

13.国家自然科学基金-青年基金(11201114) 参与(第二) 2013-2015 

14.国家自然科学基金-面上项目(11071207) 参与(第四) 2011-2013

15.河北省自然科学基金(A2014205149参与(第三) 2014-2016





1.  Kejun Chen*, Guangzhou Chen, Wen Li, Ruizhong Wei, Super-simple balanced incomplete block designs with block size 5 and index 3, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 161: 2396-2404, 2013.

2.  Guangzhou Chen, Lijun Ji, Jianguo Lei*, The Existence of Mixed Orthogonal Arrays with Four and Five Factors of Strength Two, J. Combin. Designs, 22: 323-342, 2014.

3.  Guangzhou Chen*, Kejun Chen, Yong Zhang, Super-simple (5, 4)-GDDs of group type gu, Front. Math. China, 9(5): 1001-1018, 2014.

4.  Kejun Chen*, Guangzhou Chen, Wen Li, Regular sparse anti-magic squares with the second maximum density, Linear Algebra and its Applications 457: 12-28, 2014.

5.  Guangzhou Chen, Kejun Chen*, Wen Li, Regular sparse anti-magic squares with small odd densities, Discrete Mathematics, 339:138-156, 2016.

6.  Kejun Chen, Wen Li, Guangzhou Chen and Ruizhong Wei*, Regular sparse anti-magic squares with maximum density, Ars. Combin., 127:167-183, 2016.

7.  Kejun Chen*, Yong Zhang, Guangzhou Chen, Wen Li, Further Results on Mutually Nearly Orthogonal Latin Squares, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series), 32(1): 209-220, 2016.           

8.  Shanqi Pang*, Yajuan Wang, Guangzhou Chen, Jiao Du, The Existence of a Class of Mixed Orthogonal Arrays, IEICE TRANS, FUNDAMENTALS, E99-A(4): 863-868, 2016.    

9.  Guangzhou Chen*, Yong Zhang, Kejun Chen, Super-simple pairwise balanced designs with block sizes 3 and 4, Discrete Mathematics, 340: 236-242, 2017.

10.  Guangzhou Chen, Jianguo Lei*, Constructions of mixed orthogonal arrays of strength three, Sci Sin Math (in Chinese), 47(4): 545-564, 2017.

11.  Guangzhou Chen*, Yue Guo, Yong Zhang,  Further results on super-simple pairwise balanced designs with block sizes 3 and 4, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 12(2): 351-362, 2018 .

12. Shanqi Pang, Wenju Xu, Guangzhou Chen* and Ying Wang, Construction of symmetric and asymmetric orthogonal arrays of strength t from orthogonal partition, Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., 49(4): 663-669, 2018.

13. Guangzhou Chen, Ce Shi*, Yue Guo, Ideal ramp schemes and augmented orthogonal arrays, Discrete Mathematics, 342(2): 405-4112019.

14. Wen Li, Fengchu Pan, Guangzhou Chen*, Construction of bimagic square of order 2u, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series), 36 (4): 771-789, 2020.

15.  Fengchu Pan, Wen Li, Guangzhou Chen*, Bangying Xin, A complete solution to the existence of normal bimagic squares of even orde, Discrete Mathematics, 344 (4)112292, 2021.

16. Guangzhou Chen*, Xiaotong Zhang, Constructions of Irredundant orthogonal arrays, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 17(6): 1314-1337, 2023.

17. Guangzhou Chen*, Xiaotong Zhang, Yue Guo, New results for 2-uniform states based on irredundant orthogonal arrays, Quantum Information Processing, 20(1): 43, 2021.

18. Guangzhou Chen*, Kejun Chen, Yong Zhang, Ning Jiang, Super-simple group divisible designs with block size 4 and index λ=7, 8, Discrete Mathematics, 344(12): 112592, 2021.

19. Yajuan Zang, Guangzhou Chen, Kejun Chen, Zihong Tian*, Further   results on 2-uniform states arising from Irredundant orthogonal arrays, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 16(2): 231-247, 2022.

20. Guangzhou Chen*Wen LiMing Zhong, Bangying Xin, On the Existence of Regular Sparse Anti-magic Squares of Odd Order, Graphs and Combinatorics, 38(2): 47, 2022.

21.  Guangzhou Chen*, Wen LiBangying Xin, Ming Zhong,  Constructions of regular sparse anti-magic squares, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, 59(3): 617-642, 2022.

22. Xiao Zhang, Shanqi Pang, Guangzhou Chen, Construction of orthogonal arrays of strength three by augmented difference schemes, Discrete Mathematics, 345(11): 113041, 2022.

23. Guangzhou Chen*Xiaodong Niu, Constructions for new orthogonal arrays based on large sets of orthogonal arrays, Designs Codes and Cryptography, 91(7): 2605-2625, 2023.

24. Guangzhou ChenWen LiKejun Chen*, Ming zhong, The existence spectrum for regular sparse anti-magic squares, Discrete Mathematics, 346(10): 113531, 2023.

25. Guangzhou Chen, Daniel Horsley*, Adam Mammoliti, Exact values for unbalanced Zarankiewicz numbers, Journal of Graph Theory,DOI: 10.1002/jgt.23068, 2023.

26. Jiao Du*, Ziyu Chen, Guangzhou Chen, Yueyue Li, Shanqi Pang, Constructions of optimal 2-level orthogonal arrays with repeated rows, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, doi:10.3934/amc.2024002, 2023.

27. Guangzhou Chen, Daniel Horsley*, Adam Mammoliti, Zarankiewicz numbers near the triple system threshold, arXiv:2310.12685.

28. Guangzhou Chen*, Xiaodong Niu, Jiufeng Shi, New results on large sets of orthogonal arrays and orthogonal 

arrays, arXiv:2312.12234.





1.  2014.8.8-8.12 2014 International Conference on Combinatorics and Graphs, 北京交通大学,北京

2.  2014.10.29-11.1 2014年试验设计及其应用研讨会, Betway官方客服,新乡


3.  2016.8.14-8.17第七届全国组合数学与图论大会, 河北师范大学,石家庄  

4.  2017.5.23-5.28 The 9th Shanghai Conferenceon Combinatorics, 上海交通大学, 上海       

5.  2017.11.2-11.5第九届海峡两岸图论与组合数学学术会议, 福州大学, 福州

    作小组报告:On the existence of bimagic squares of order 2q

6.  2018.4.13-4.15组合理论及其应用研讨会,河北师范大学,石家庄

     作邀请报告:Ideal ramp schemes and augmented orthogonal arrays

7.  2018.5.25-5.29第九届有限域及其应用国际研讨会, 河北师范大学,石家庄

8.  2018.8.1-8.10第三届密码学与编码理论青年教师培训班, 青海师范大学,西宁             

9.  2018.10.12-10.14 2018年全国试验设计与统计科学研讨会,北京理工大学,北京

    作小组报告:Construction of mixed orthogonal arrays

10. 2019.12.9-2019.12.13 42nd annual Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, The University of New South WalesSydney(悉尼)

    作小组报告:Constructions of mixed orthogonal arrays with six factors of strength two  

11. 2021.5.20-2021.5.24第十届有限域及其应用国际研讨会,洛阳师范学院,洛阳

12. 2023.5.12-2023.5.15 第七届编码密码组合国际研讨会,Betway官方客服,新乡

作小组报告:On the constructions of some new mixed orthogonal arrays

13. 2023.7.26-2023.7.29中国运筹学会图论组合分会2023学术年会,太原理工大学,太原

作邀请报告:Constructions of large sets of orthogonal arrays and orthogonal arrays

14. 2023.8.26-2023.8.27第二届组合数学及相关信息理论前沿课题研讨会,苏州大学,苏州 





  1. 美国数学会数学评(Mathematical Reviews)论评论员: 107225

  2. 中国数学会会员,学术桥评审专家库成员

  3. 国际学术期刊J. Combin. Designs,Discrete Mathematics, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation,

         Filomat, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, The European Physical Journal D,International Journal of Theoretical Physics, AIMS Mathematics,Journal of Mathematics, Special Matrices, Operations Research Perspectives,IEEE Access等期刊审稿人




 1.郭悦   (2016.9-2019.6)   硕士论文:《变强度正交表的构造》

 2.张晓彤 (2018.9-2021.6)   硕士论文:《基于有限域上非冗余正交表的构造》

    3. 丁亚茹(2019.9-2022.6)   硕士论文:《三类超单纯区组设计的构造与存在性》

    4. 牛晓东(2020.9-2023.6)   硕士论文:《正交表大集和正交表的若干构造方法》

    5. 史九凤(2022.9-2025.6)   在读

    6. 崔丰珠(2023.9-2026.6)   在读
