1、G. Wang,郑国杰,The optimal control to restore the periodic property of a linear evolution system with small perturbation, Discrete and continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B,14, (2010)1621–1639. ( SCI三区) 2、G. Wang, 郑国杰,An Approach to the Optimal Time for a Time Optimal Control Problem of anInternally Controlled Heat Equation, SIAM J. Control Optim., (50)2012, 601–628.(SCI二区,EI,通讯作者) 3 郑国杰, B. Ma, A time optimal control problem of some linear switching controlled ordinary differential equations,Advances in Difference Equations, (1), 2012, 1-7. (SCI三区) 4 郑国杰,X. Yu,The controllability for the semi-discrete wave equation with a finite element method.Advances in Difference Equations, (1) 2013, 1-8. (SCI三区) 5 郑国杰,J. Yin,Numerical approximation for a time optimal control problems governed by semi-linear heat equations, Advances in Difference Equations, (1) 2014, 1-7. (SCI三区) 6 郑国杰, M. Ali, Observability estimatefor the fractional order parabolic equations on measurable sets, Abstract Applied Analysis, (1) 2014, 1-6. (SCI二区) 7 郑国杰, B.Z. Guo, M. Ali,Stability of Optimal Control of Heat Equation withSingular Potential,System and Control Letters, 74(2014),18-23. (SCI三区) 8 郑国杰, B.Z. Guo, M. Ali, Continuous Dependence of Optimal Controlto Controlled Domain of Actuatorfor Heat Equation, System and Control Letters,79 (2015) 30–38. (SCI三区) 9 J. Liu, 郑国杰,Montaz Ali, Stability analysis of the anti-stable heat equation with uncertain disturbance on the boundary, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,428(2015), 1193–1201. (SCI二区,通讯作者) 10 X. Yu, 郑国杰, C. Xu, The C-regularized semigroup method for partial differential equations with delays, Discrete and continuous Dynamical Systems-Series A, 36 (2016), 5163-5181. ( SCI三区) 11 郑国杰,J. Li,Stabilization for the multi-dimensional heat equation withdisturbance on the controller,Automatica,82 (2017), 319-323.(SCI一区, Top) 12 郑国杰, K. Li, J. Li,Quantitative unique continuation for the linear coupled heat equations, Journal of Inequalities and Applications , 1 (2017), 1-17. (SCI三区) 13.郑国杰, K. Li, Y. Zhang, Quantitative Unique Continuation for the Heat Equations with Inverse Square Potential, Journal of Inequalities and Applications , 1 (2018), 1-17. ( SCI三区) 14. G. Zheng, J. Xiong, X. Yu, and C. Xu, Stabilization for infinite dimensional switched linear systems, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 65(2020), 5456 - 5463. ( SCI二区,Top) 15.郑国杰, D. Xu, and T. Wang, A unique continuation property for a class of parabolic differential inequalities in a bounded domain, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, (2020), accepted. doi:10.3934/cpaa.2020280 ( SCI三区) |