
发布时间:2023-09-13    浏览次数:134




[1] 2019.09-2023.06,河南大学,地理学,理学博士

[2] 2016.09-2019.07,河南大学,自然地理学,理学硕士

[3] 2012.09-2016.07,河南大学民生学院,资源环境与城乡规划管理,理学学士


[1] 黄河下游背河洼地区土地变化的历史过程及主要驱动力,国家级(参与,结项)

[2] 河南省沿黄生态建设与乡村振兴研究引智基地,省部级(参与,在研)

[3] 黄河大型灌区水土时空变化与重金属污染行为响应研究,省部级(参与,结项)

[4] 地理、气象要素对空气质量的影响分析,中央财政资金项目,横向(参与,结项)

[5] 巨野县第二次全国污染源普查入户调查及数据分析,生态环境部项目,横向


[6] 开封市乡村振兴示范带村镇全域土地整治规划,开封市村域整治项目,横向



[1] Yanyan Li, Jinbing Zhang, Hui Zhu, et al. Soil Erosion Characteristics and Scenario Analysis in the YellowRiver Basin Based on PLUS and RUSLE Models[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023, 20, 1222.

[2] Yanyan Li, Tianqi Rong, Mingzhou Qin*, et al. Spatiotemporal characteristics of soil erosion in a typical watershed consisting of different landscape: A case study of the Qin River Basin[J]. PLoS ONE2022. 17(10): e0275470.

[3] Yanyan Li, Dan Yang, Pengyan Zhang*, et al. Optimal Interpolation and Ecological Risk Assessment of Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metals in Soil Based on GIS and Geostatistics–A Case Study of Low-lying Land of the Lower Yellow River, China[J]. Polish Journal Of Environmental Studies, 2021, 30(3) :1-14.

[4] 李颜颜,曹佳晨,张浩杰,. 河南某高校不同环境室内灰尘重金属污染特征及生态健康风险评价[J]. 环境化学, 2023.

[5] Pengyan Zhang, Yanyan Li, Wenlong Jing, et al. Comprehensive Assessment of the Effect of Urban Built-Up Land Expansion and Climate Change on Net Primary Productivity[J]. Complexity, 2020.

[6] Wenliang Geng, Yanyan Li, Pengyan Zhang*, et al. Analyzing spatio-temporal changes and trade-offs/synergies among ecosystem services in the Yellow River Basin, China[J]. Ecological Indicators2022,138:108825.

[7] Wenliang Geng, Yanyan Li, Dongqi Sun, et al. Prediction of the potential geographical distribution of Betula platyphylla Suk. in China under climate change scenarios[J]. PLoS ONE 2022, 17(3): e0262540.
