

在西班牙圣地亚哥国际热力学会议上与 Bastos教授合影留念  




国际热分析及量热学联合会理事会中国代表(Affiliate Councillors, ICTAC)



2011年 -至今 Betway官方客服特聘教授、教授、博士生导师

2001 - 2011年 葡萄牙波尔图大学理学院CIQ化学研究中心做研究

1998 - 2001年 中国科学院化学研究所获得博士学位

1989 - 1998年 东北师范大学化学学院任教,讲师,1995年评聘副教授

1986 - 1989年 东北师范大学化学学院获硕士学位

1983 - 1986年 北华大学师范学院化学系助教

1979 - 1983年 辽宁师范大学化学系获学士学位

1. 国家自然科学基金 No22173027, 2022.1-2025.12,资助经费: 60万元

2. 国家自然科学基金 No21773059, 2018.1-2021.12,资助经费: 65万元

3. 国家自然科学基金 No21273061, 2013.1-2016.12 资助经费:80万元 

4. 国家自然科学基金仪器专项基金 No 21327003, 2014.1-2017.12,资助经费:310万元 (与中国科学院化学研究所合作项目:子课题负责人)

5. Betway官方客服特聘教授启动基金

6. 葡萄牙国家科学技术基金(SFRH/BPD/41407/2007)
7. 葡萄牙国家科学技术基金(SFRH/BPD/5668/2001)



2. 2013年4月被邀请作为欧洲EM奖学金项目SERP-Chem)硕士课程 “量热学与热力学发展前沿”特邀教授

3. 2012年8月被邀请在巴西FUMG大学化学系 (Belo Horizonte, MG)讲学

4. 2011年-2014年多次被邀请在University of Porto讲学

5. 2015年3月- 4月邀请欧洲科学计划-化学类项目评审委员会主席、欧洲出色的物理化学家和量热学家、波尔图大学博士生导师Margarida Basto教授来Betway官方客服访学并开展合作研究

6. 2005年12月在英国 University of Warwick化学系做访问学者

7. 2001 - 2011年在葡萄牙波尔图大学理学院CIQ化学研究中心做研究,十年期间与欧盟多所大学有合作研究项目


1. 20184月 被评为河南省优秀硕士论文指导教师

2. 2013/2014 优秀研究生指导教师

3. 2012-2014学年度 Betway官方客服优秀教师

4. 中国科学院刘永龄一等奖学金  2001年12月, 中国科学院人事教育局颁发
5. 青年科学奖  2000年12月, 中国科学院化学研究所


[1] Guangyue Bai*, Hui Wu, Pengxiao Lou, Yujie Wang*, Marieta Nichifor,* Kelei Zhuo, Jianji Wang, Margarida Bastos*. “Cationic gemini surfactant as a dual linker for a cholic acid-modified polysaccharide in aqueous solution: thermodynamics of interaction and phase behavior” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.2017, 19, 1590-1600.

[2] Yujie Wang*Hui WuJiuxia wangPengxiao LouYang Zhao*Guangyue Bai* “Thermodynamics of self-aggregation of mixed cationic gemini/sodium deoxycholate surfactant systems in aqueous solution”, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2019, 135: 2903~2913.

[3] Guangyue Bai*, Jianhui Sheng, Yujie Wang*, Hui Wu, Yang Zhao, Kelei Zhuo, Margarida Bastos* “Interaction between a hydrophobic rigid face and a flexible alkyl tail: Thermodynamics of self-assembling of sodium cholate and SDS” J. Chem. Thermodyn. 2016, 100, 131–139.

[4] Weiwei Zhang, Weiwei Jiang, Delong Zhang, Guangyue Bai*, Pengxiao Lou and Zhiguo Hu* “Synthesis, characterization and association behavior of linear-dendritic amphiphilic diblock copolymers based on poly(ethylene oxide) and a dendron derived from 2,2’-bis(hydroxymethyl)-propionic acid” Polym. Chem. 2015, 6, 2274-2282.

[5] Pei Zhang, Xiaohui Xu, Minghui Zhang, Jinben Wang*, Guangyue Bai*, Haike Yan “Self-aggregation of amphiphilic dendrimer in aqueous solution: the effect of headgroup and hydrocarbon chain length” Langmuir 2015, 31, 7919−7925.

[6] Guangyue Bai*, Yujie Wang*, Yanhong Ding, Kelei Zhuo, Jianji Wang, Margarida Bastos “Thermodynamics of self-assembling of mixture of a cationic gemini surfactant and sodium dodecylsulfate in aqueous solution: Calorimetry, conductivity and surface pressure measurements” J. Chem. Thermodyn. 2016, 94 221-229.

[7] Guangyue Bai,* Junling Liu, Jiuxia Wang, Yujie Wang,* Yanna Li, Yang Zhao,* Meihuan Yao “Enzymatic superactivity and conformational change of α-CT induced by cationic gemini surfactant” Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. 2017, 33, 976

[8] Weiwei Zhang, Delong Zhang, Xiaoshan Fan, Guangyue Bai*, Yuqin Jiang, Zhiguo Hu* “Preparation and characterization of stereocomplex aggregates based on PLA–P188–PLA” RSC Adv.2016, 6, 50543–50552.

[9] Huanhuan LiYan XueJianji WangKelei ZhuoYujie Wang*Guangyue Bai* “Target construction of Co3O4 with an improved layer structure for highly efficient Li-storage properties” Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2018, 53135-3139.

[10] Huanhuan LiFan Hong-HongChaoying FanZheng Yan-PingShi Yan-HongSun Hai-Zhu*Guangyue Bai*Jingping Zhang* ”Construction of electrical "highway" to significantly enhance the redox kinetics of normal hierarchical structured materials of MnO” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 61663-1670.

[11] Li Huanhuan; Ge Zhaofei; Zheng Yanping; Xue Yan; Bai Guangyue*; Wang Jianji; Zhuo Kelei; Wang Yujie* “A hybrid shell material with mixed ion/electron conductivity used for high-performance Li-S batteries” Chemical Communications, 2019, 55: 1991-1994.

[12] Weiwei Zhang, Delong Zhang, Xiaoshan Fan, Guangyue Bai*, Yuming guo, Zhiguo Hu* “Stable stereocomplex micelles from Y-shaped amphiphilic copolymers MPEG–(scPLA)2: preparation and characteristics” RSC Adv.2016, 620761-20771.

[13] Yujie Wang, Pengxiao Lou, Guangyue Bai*, Caoying Fan, Margarida Bastos* “Cationic gemini and sodium cholate – Following the interaction of oppositely charged surfactants by calorimetry, turbidity and conductivity” J. Chem. Thermodyn. 2014, 73, 255-261.

[14] Guangyue Bai, Yujie Wang, Marieta Nichifor ,Margarida Bastos* “Critical role of the degree of substitution in the interaction of biocompatible cholic acid-modified dextrans with phosphatidylcholine liposomes” Langmuir 2013, 29, 13258−13268.

[15] 白光月*, 娄朋晓, 王玉洁*, 范朝英, 王毅琳链式与面式两种不对称疏水结构表面活性剂之间的相互作用热力学中国科学: 化学 2014, 44, 1041–1049.

[16] Guangyue Bai, Sandra C.C. Nunes, Marisa A.A. Rocha, Luís M.N.B.F. Santos, M. Ermelinda S. Eusébio, M. João Moreno, Margarida Bastos* “Enthalpies of solution, limiting solubilities and partial molar heat capacities of n-alcohols in water and in trehalose crowded media”Pure Appl. Chem. 2014, 86, 223–231.

[17]娄朋晓, 王玉洁, 白光月* 范朝英王毅琳 “表面活性剂分子间弱相互作用的直接能量表征——高灵敏等温滴定量热法物理化学学报 2013, 29, 1401–1407.

[18] Shengkai Yang,*Yujie Wang,* Guangyue Bai,* Yong Zhu “Design and Control of an Extractive Distillation System for Benzene/Acetonitrile Separation Using Dimethyl Sulfoxide as an Entrainer”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 13102−13112.

[19] Wenwei Xue, Liya Qi, Xiaojuan Li, Shuaishuai Huang, Hongping Li a*, Xinxin Guan*, Guangyue Bai*, Li-E. Liu, “Amphiphilic diblock copolymer modification of carbon nanotubes in CO2-expanded liquids. Chem. Eng. J. 2012, 209, 118–125.

[20] Guangyue. Bai, Marieta Nichifor, and Margarida Bastos, Cationic Polyelectrolytes as Drug Delivery Vectors: Calorimetric and Fluorescence Study of Rutin Partitioning, J. Phys. Chem. B,2010, 114, 1623616243.

[21] Guangyue Bai, Marieta Nichifor and Margarida Bastos Association and Phase Behavior between Cholic Acid-Modified Dextran and Phosphatidylcholine Liposomes, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010, 1 (6), 932936.

[22] Guangyue Bai, José A. M. Catita, Marieta Nishifor and Margarida Bastos, Microcalorimetric Evidence of Hydrophobic Interactions between hydrophobically Modified Cationic Polysaccharides and Surfactants of the Same, J. Phys. Chem. B 2007,111, 11453-11462.

[23] Guangyue Bai, Marieta Nishifor, António Lopes and Margarida Bastos, Thermodynamics of Self- Assembling of Hydrophobically Modified Cationic Polysaccharides and their Mixtures with Oppositely Charged Surfactants in Aqueous Solution, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2005, 109, 21681-21689.

[24] Guangyue Bai, Marieta Nishifor, António Lopes and Margarida Bastos, Thermodynamic Characterization of the Interaction Behaviour of A Hydrophobically Modified Polyelectrolyte and Oppositely Charged Surfactants in Aqueous Solution: Effect of the Surfactant Alkyl Chain Length, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2005,109, 518-525.

[25] Guangyue Bai, Luís MBF Santos, Marietta Nishifor, António Lopes and Margarida Bastos, Thermodynamics of Interaction between Hydrophobically Modified Polyelectrolyte and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate in Aqueous Solution, J. Phys. Chem. B. 2004, 108, 405-413.

[26] Guangyue Bai,Jinben Wang, Yujie Wang, Haike Yan and Robert K.Thomas Thermodynamics of Hydrophobic Interaction of Dissymmetric Gemini Surfactants in Aqueous Solutions, J. Phys. Chem. B. 2002, 106, 6614-6616.

[27] Guangyue Bai,Yujie Wang, Haike Yan, Robert K.Thomas and Jan C. T. Kwak, Interaction Thermodynamics between Gemini Surfactants and Modified Polymers, J. Phys. Chem. B.2002, 106, 2153-2159.

[28] Guangyue Bai,Jinben Wang, Haike Yan, Zhixin Li and Robert K.Thomas Microcalorimetric Study on the Thermodynamic Properties of Two Series of Double Chain Singly Charged Cationic Surfactants, J. Phys. Chem. B. 2001,105(39), 9576-9580.

[29] Guangyue Bai,Haike Yan and Robert K.Thomas Microcalorimetric Studies on the Thermodynamic Properties of Cationic Gemini Surfactants, Langmuir, 2001, 17(15), 4501-4504.

[30] Guangyue Bai,Yujie Wang,Jinben Wang, and Haike Yan Microcalorimetric Studies of the Interaction between DDAB and SDS and the Phase Behavior of the Mixture, Langmuir, 2001, 17(12), 3522-3525.

[31] Guangyue Bai,Jinben Wang, Haike Yan Zhixin Li and Robert. K. Thomas Thermodynamics of Molecular self- Assembly of Cationic Gemini and Related Double Chain Surfactants in Aqueous Solution, J. Phys. Chem. B. 2001, 105(15), 3105-3108.

[32] Guangyue Bai,Yujie Wang, Haike Yanand Robert K.Thomas Enthalpies of Micellization of Double Chain and Gemini Cationic Surfactants, J. Colloid and Interface Sci. 2001, 240(1), 375-377.

[33] Haike Yan and Guangyue Bai,Thermodynamics of Molecular Self-Assembly of Gemini Surfactants in Aqueous Solution,Current Topics in Colloid&Interface Science, A review series published by Research Trends, India, 2001, Vol.4 (4), 131-138.

[34] Guangyue Bai, C. Gonçalves, F. M. Gama and Margarida Bastos, Self-Aggregation of Hydrophobically Modified Dextrin and Their Interaction with Surfactant, Thermochim. Acta, 2008, 467, 54-62.

[35] Guangyue Bai, António Lopes and Margarida Bastos, Thermodynamics of micellization of alkylimidazolium surfactants in Aqueous Solution, J. Chem. Thermodynamics 2008, 40, 15091516.

[36] Guangyue Bai, Vasco Castro, Marieta Nichifor and Margarida Bastos Calorimetric Study of the Interactions between Surfactants and Dextran Modified with  Deoxycholic Acid. J. Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2010, 100(2), 413-422.

