2011年-2014年在武汉大学计算机学院进行博士研究生学习。目前致力于数据挖掘、机器学习、深度学习、生物信息等方向研究。曾获得河南省科技成果一等奖1项,河南省自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖,河南省教育厅优秀论文奖一等奖2项、二等奖2项,Betway官方客服研究生优秀指导教师,Betway官方客服文明教师等奖项。获得国家发明专利6项,软件著作权6项。主持教育部协同育人创新项目、河南省自然科学基金项目和河南省高校重点项目等。近几年来,担任了 Bioinformatics、Brief in Bioinformatics、BIBM、IEEE-ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics、BMC Bioinformatics等期刊会议审稿人,在生物信息领域主流的 SCI 期刊发表相关论文二十余篇,主要研究成果发表在 IEEE-ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics,Proteins: structure function, and bioinformatics,BMC bioinformatics,Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology,Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine,IET system biology等期刊,得到了国内外同行专家的认可,发表在 Proteins 期刊的文章被选为期刊封面文章。近年来,指导研究生共计20余人,其中张禹同学获得了2022年河南省优秀硕士学位论文,毕业研究生就业方向为攻读博士研究生,高等院校,优质IT企业等。
(1) Wang Wei, Sun Bin, et al. GraphPLBR: Protein-ligand binding residue prediction with deep graph convolution network[J]. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2023.
(2) Wang Wei, Wang Yongqing, et al. LPLSG: Prediction Of LncRNA-protein Interaction Based On Local Network Structure[J]. Current Bioinformatics, 2023(8): 1-9.
(3) Wang Wei, Liang Shihao, et al. GCHN-DTI: Predicting drug-target interactions by graph convolution on heterogeneous networks[J]. Methods, 2022, 206: 101-107.
(4) Wang Wei, Zhang Yu, et al, PseAraUbi: predicting arabidopsis ubiquitination sites by incorporating the physico-chemical and structural features[J]. Plant molecular biology, 2022.110,81-92.
(5) Wang Wei, Zhang Yu, et al, Prediction of DNA-Binding Protein–Drug-Binding Sites Using Residue Interaction Networks and Sequence Feature[J]. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2022.10,822392
(6) Wang Wei, Shu Xili, Sun Bin, et al, Predicting DNA-binding protein and coronavirus protein flexibility using protein dihedral angle and sequence feature[J]. Proteins-structure function and bioinformatics. 2022.11:1-11.
(7) Wang Wei, Jiao Xiaolin,etal.DeepGenBind: a novel deep learning model for predicting transcription factor binding sitesn[C].IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) 2022,3629-3635.
(8) Wang Wei, Wang Yongqing, et al. PPDTS: Predicting potential drug–target interactions based on network similarity[J]. IET Systems Biology, 2021,11:1-10 .
(9) Wang Wei, Sun Bin, et al. DPLA: prediction of protein-ligand binding affinity by integrating multi-level information[C]. BIBM, 2021.
(10) Wang Wei, Lv Hehe,et al. Predicting DNA binding protein-drug interactions based on network similarity[J]. BMC Bioinformatics. 2020; 21: 322.
(11) Wang Wei, Lv Hehe, et al. DLS: A Link Prediction Method Based on Network Local Structure for Predicting Drug-Protein Interactions[J]. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2020; 8: 330.
(12) Wang Wei, Li Keliang,et al.SmoPSI: Analysis and Prediction of Small Molecule Binding Sites Based on Protein Sequence Information[J]. Comput Math Methods Med. 2019; 2019: 1926156.
(13) Wang Wei , Zhao Yuan , et al. InPrNa: A Tool for Insight Into Protein–Nucleic Acids Interaction Information[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7:140375-140382.
(14) Wang Wei, Li Keliang, et al. Analyzing the Surface Structure of the Binding Domain on DNA and RNA Binding Proteins[J]. IEEE Access, 2019:1-1.
(15) Wang Wei, Sun Lin, Zhang Shiguang, et al. Analysis and prediction of single-stranded and double-stranded DNA binding proteins based on protein sequences[J]. Bmc Bioinformatics, 2017, 18(1):300.
(16) Wang Wei, Liu Juan, and Sun Lin, Surface shapes and surrounding environment analysis of single‐ and double‐stranded DNA‐binding proteins in protein‐DNA interface[J]. Proteins Structure Function & Bioinformatics, 2016, 84(7):979-989.
(17) Wang Wei,Liu Juan,Zhou Xionghui,Identification of single-stranded and double-stranded DNA binding proteins based on protein structure. BMC Bioinformatics, 2014,15 Suppl 12:S4-S4
(18) Wang Wei, Liu Juan,Xiong Yi,Zhu Lida,Zhou Xionghui,Analysis andclassification of DNA-binding sites in single-stranded and double-stranded DNA-binding proteins using protein information.,IET Systems Biology,2014,8(4):176-183
(19) 王伟,刘娟,孟志斌.基于时序遥感卫星云图的对流云团动态追踪预测[J].电子学报, 2014, 42(4):804-808.
(20) 王伟,刘娟,孟志斌,等.卫星云图的多通道FCM分割算法[J].计算机工程与科学, 2012, 34(10):83-87.
(21) 冯乃勤, 王伟, 南书坡. MAS整体安全机制研究[J]. 计算机工程与应用, 2009, 45(22):4.