

个人简介:刘洋,男,工学博士,讲师,E-mail: liuyang20208@htu.edu.cn




2020.08—至今     入职Betway官方客服材料科学与工程学院


1. 表界面能源小分子催化转化,如氧还原、电解水、氮还原、二氧化碳还原等;

2. 新型可再生清洁能源的策略性开发与利用;

3. 材料表界面催化机制的计算与分析。





1. Yang Liu, Shibin Yin, Pei Kang Shen*, Asymmetric 3d electronic structure for enhanced oxygen evolution catalysis, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10 (27), 23131–23139.

2. Yang Liu, Zheng Jiang, Xinyi Zhang, Pei Kang Shen*, Ultrathin porous Bi5O7X (X=Cl, Br, I) nanotubes for effective solar desalination, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6 (41), 20037–20043.

3. Yang Liu, Bingmei Huang.; Xingfa Chen, Zhiqun Tian, Xinyi Zhang*, Panagiotis Tsiakaras*, Pei Kang Shen*, Electrocatalytic production of ammonia: Biomimetic electrode-electrolyte design for efficient electrocatalytic nitrogen fixation under ambient conditions, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 271, 118919.

4. Yang Liu, Xiaoran Zhang, Zhenyu Chen, Xinyi Zhang, Panagiotis Tsiakaras*, Pei Kang Shen*, Electrocatalytic reduction of nitrogen on FeAg/Si for ammonia synthesis: A simple strategy for continuous regulation of Faradaic efficiency by controlling H+ ions transfer rate, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021, 283, 119606.

5. Qi Yang†, Qilong Wu†, Yang Liu(Equal contribution), Shuiping Luo, Xiaotong Wu, Xixia Zhao, Haiyuan Zou, Baihua Long, Wen Chen, Yujia Liao, Lanxi Li, Pei Kang Shen, Lele Duan, and Zewei Quan*, Novel Bi-doped amorphous SnOx nanoshells for efficient electrochemical CO2 reduction into formate at low overpotentials. Advanced Materials, 2020, 32, 2002822.

6. Bingmei Huang†, Yang Liu(Equal contribution), Qi Pang, Xinyi Zhang*, Huanting Wang, Pei Kang Shen*, Boosting the photocatalytic activity of mesoporous SrTiO3 for nitrogen fixation through multiple defect and strain engineering, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8(42): 22251-22256.

7. Derek Hao†, Yang Liu(Equal contribution), Shuyan Gao, Hamidreza Arandiyan, Xiaojuan Bai, Qiang Kong, Wei Wei, Pei Kang Shen*, Bing-Jie Ni*, Emerging artificial nitrogen cycle processes through novel electrochemical and photochemical synthesis. Materials Today, 2021. DOI10.1016/j.mattod.2021.01.029.


  1. 沈培康,刘洋,陆家佳,尹诗斌,田植群,以聚合物大批量生产石墨烯的原料前处理设备及操作方法,2019.02.19,中国,CN106379891B

  2. 尹诗斌,刘洋,沈培康,田植群,一种用于化学制氢的氢气发生装置,2016.03.24,中国,CN105836704B

  3. 沈培康,刘洋,一种以烟草为原料制备纳米碳纤维的方法,2020.01.21,中国,CN107829168B

  4. 沈培康,刘洋,一种高性能电解水析氧催化剂的制备方法,2019.07.12,中国,CN107435156B

  5. 沈培康,刘洋,一种NOS掺杂的网状石墨化碳纳米材料的制备方法,2020.07.31,中国,CN107416820B


  1. 201712月,第十九次全国电化学会议特邀学术报告

  2. 201801月,可再生能源材料协同创新中心优秀研究生

  3. 201805月,第十二届博士和博士后分论坛优秀报告奖

  4. 201811月,国家奖学金

  5. 201812月,第八届创新能源材料进展国际会议最佳墙报奖

  6. 201911月,国家奖学金

  7. 201911月,宝钢优秀学生奖

  8. 202001月,可再生能源材料协同创新中心优秀研究生

  9. 202006月,广西大学校长奖学金
